Ideas with AI

Here's what i'd build

Hey welcome back to another email of me talking about stuff I wanna build but don’t have the time to build.

I know it’s a good title but It’s to long and AI is just thriving right now.

Before we get started, I launched again on Product Hunt and would love your support. Today really starts my journey toward what I’ve been set out to do.

Idea Playbook is everything I have learned over the past 5 years: indie hacking, blogging, and really just trying to make this side hustle thing work. You see I have tried everything, listened to all the guru’s made money, lost money.

One thing I always noticed was most people who are doing “good” keep those ideas secret. That’s funny and all, but really, it’s nothing serious because if you look correctly, you too can find those ideas, and most ideas are just different versions of something already out there, right?

Idea Playbook covers all of this and it’s my version of levels readmake book. expect you get access to a discord where we all become even closer friends.

It means the world if you upvoted it on Product Hunt - > Here

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I recently started messing around with cursor AI, it lives up to the hype.

It really helps you move the needle on stuff and solved some issues I was having for a few days without me having to reach out to forums to answers.

So it got me thinking what are some areas that non coders, or even coders can pump out content that can make them money.

Idea #1

Use what I was doing with Ship Local:

I was scrapping Google for restaurants, bars, bagel shops, pizza places, and more. Then, I would see if they had a decent-looking site. If they didn’t, I would build a few using cursor AI in different styles and share them with them. Then, I’d charge them a fee that i felt was worth it.

You can do this same thing and do it even better as my design skills suck.

One of my followers Tom even suggested this which I thought was even smarter:

This leads me to the next topic.

Idea #2 - Carrd Templates

I would suggest if you haven’t, you should at least try its free and is used by millions. They have a area where you can add in your own sites similar to how wordpress does it. If you use carrd already why not design a few templates and see how they do. People are always looking for good/free templates.

You won’t get rich off of Carrd but it’s nice few sales a month. One of my readers and buddies i’ve met while doing this internet thing Franck bought a site dedicated to carrd and has done decent for himself with it.

The site is called 

Check it out. Id follow something similar but go to local shops and areas set it up for them and charge a “fee”. Carrd is simple to maintain so you can upsell your theme along with the setup for cheap.

Idea #3 - Wordpress Templates

Can follow similar to carrd and do the same EXACT thing for wordpress. Wordpress has a big audience and there aren’t many good themes out that that focus on one specific thing(IMO)

You can build a directory site, portfolio, or content creator templates that people can pay a small fee to access. If you can find a niche that is missing valuable information, this would be a perfect lead magnet.

We are just getting started. Remember if you want access consider subscribing. This deal won’t last forever.