20k keywords for free

No excuses, start building

I mean when I say i’m giving away something for free. I mean it.

So, for the people who don’t wanna read, all I have to say here is the download link.


I know i’m a terrible marketing person. You should always put the juicy stuff on the bottom but I have learned give them what they want and they will eventually come around.

Which leads me to why i’m giving this away for free.

I love you as a subscriber, but I see an untapped market. Open that spreadsheet, look at the search volumes, and think about what can be done with a little effort.

I have been working hard over the past few weeks to build a simple yet SEO-infused directory builder. If you are serious about building then directories are the way.

ShipLocal helps you build these fast and the best part? It’s simple code. No complex API’s, package errors just straight HTML and a little CSS.

Google doesn’t care how the site looks as long as they user get’s what they want.

I have built ship local to build fast, build often and save you time.

What can it do today?

It can take your CSV file of restaurants, barbershops, or anything from that list and put it into a directory-style site with an index page listing all sites, category filters, pages for each establishment, and so much more.

Customize each page with a dashboard “in progress” that allows you to edit on the fly and build sites in 4 clicks.

image from the custom dashboard i’m building

Not to mention, If you have any questions or concerns, I will personally help you along.

oh and these keywords are just the start. I have download every major city in the US and plan to get data from every country. Plus I show you how to find local gems in your area.

If you are still reading i’m sure you are saying wow matt this has to be like $400+ product you have built.


It’s only $39/lifetime….. Why? Because I want you to make money and ship fast.