Niche Ideas #24 - Master Canva

You can make millions.

NICHE IDEA #24 - Canva For everyone.

Yesterday was a good issue, and I am happy I got so many positive responses. I’ve been messing with this format for over a year now between different newsletters. It seems to be a popular—idea, then action. So, I will continue to use this. 

So, every new subscriber now gets access to the database. Completely free.

All i ask from you is share this newsletter with a friend. We got lots coming up in the next year. Let’s all make money together.


Let me explain….

there are so many things you can do inside Canva. It’s kinda crazy.

The good news is that the free plan is very generous and allows you to get tons of stuff done, which you can use to your advantage in terms of building something great.

Now, everyone I know uses Canva either for content on their blog or personal stuff they make. It really is a great tool and has tons of features.

This is where the idea comes in. Not only can you produce content with Canvas ( banners, ebooks, workout guides, planners, birthday cards, and so much more), but you can also be the go-to person for everything happening.

I think there is a need for YouTubers who obsess over this, similar to how has created an entire business around Excel.

What started as just a guide to different types of information has turned into a multi-million dollar business. Canva isn’t going anywhere and if you become the “face” of when a user needs help or wants a short code you can set yourself up.

Side Note: I have this theory that if you hook up to a unicorn and build something around it, you can do very well. It’s been proven with many successful Shopify apps.


I would start messing around with in the free version start putting some templates together in formats you enjoy or topics you love to talk about. Start using it everyday and figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t.

Share it with a video recording or a blog post on social media. Either one will work if you want to build authority in your name.

If you can…. find hidden tricks that the average person may not know. You could even ask ChatGPT or Google it to see what secrets come up. Remember, 99% of your audience isn’t going to do this. So displaying it in front of them when they are on TikTok or YouTube is a positive, even though you just did a little research to find it.

Saving people time = $$$

Never forget that.

This is a prime example. Look Canva even is writing articles about this which means it’s a searched item. Now take all of this record a short video on it and share it on TikTok or Youtube and boom. Watch people love your simple tips. Even though all you did was google ideas.

Next Step: Now that you have a good following or at least quality content that people will find, you can start to build a product around your content or promote other people’s work.

You should somehow package those tricks you shared into a simple pdf and charge $19 for access. It’s cheap enough that thousands will buy it over time…. It could charge more. I’ve learned that for anything Over $99; people have started to question it and want more value. This is also true for lower-tier items, as more people will complain.

This product + social media presence will be big! You can even sell the list for free and capture an email address to start a weekly blog that covers tips and tricks + news of what is happening with Canva. Enough users on the platform to get some serious traffic when users have questions.

I’m dropping something big in the next few days… that is 100% free and I hope you all love it. I highly recommend you get your referrals up so you can get it as to get the information with all the database you need to refer 5 people

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