Niche Ideas #29 - Local Sites = $$

So I cam across something

NICHE IDEA #29 - Local Sites

So I came across a post on X that said 40% of searches are about local.

and if you google it(no pun intended) it says 46%.

So this got me thinking.

Why am I not looking into Local Stuff more?

So the past two days(sorry for not sending good issues) I have been building out my local site generator.

Bascially this is what it does.

  1. Scraps all local businesses for your keywords(barbershops) in a radius or exact location(the town or state).

  2. Put it into a CSV file.

  3. Generates an index.html that will display all the local barbershops from the csv

  4. Generate a page for each business from the CSV

  5. Add in a submit button

  6. It has an email capture so people can get alerted when a new one is here.

  7. Bought Exact Match Domain(think this is key. I looked at the keywords in the area I was looking and found one that I could get an exact match).

  8. Fixed SEO to target more keywords; added filters that will also help with results.

What I want to add still:

  1. Sponsor section(this will be easy just not sure where to put it) as a hero banner or just as the first result when you load the page.

  2. Scrap the images of the businesses(even though for my first one since it’s in my town. I’ll just go to each place and take a picture)

  3. I’m sure there is more just haven’t thought of it yet.

Anyway, this can be easily done by you because, let’s face it, Google isn’t going anywhere. Now you may be asking, "Well, Matt, Google Places will kill your views." That may be the case, but not always. You can easily make it a niche topic and build out your own information in a CSV, then follow the same steps to generate the site. Plus I plan to take this data and build blog posts about it eventually.

This leads me to the next thought…. and an idea as I’m typing this, so I should go back and add it to the section above, but I’ll keep it here to make sure you are reading… Every local site ranks well when it does good for Best X in X. What do I mean? Think Best barbershops in X. If it’s a restaurant or bar. Best Bars on the water in X.

The idea is that based on the information you gather, you can auto-generate blog posts from this content. So, not only will it generate each page for the user, but it will also generate the “base” articles for your typical local SEO keywords.

So why am I telling you all this?

Well, 1. It’s fcking awesome. I feel like a kid learning something new and can’t stop smiling. So I know I’m onto something.

  1. I’d release it to you, my readers, if there was enough interest. If there isn’t, I’ll just keep it for myself and report back in a year when I’m in 20 cities in the 5 biggest categories for each.


Get access with the pre-launch sale(if I never build it, you get your money back).

  1. This offer includes the boilerplate with lifetime updates(as I mentioned above, I got lots of ideas)

  2. Keyword research to help you find the best type of local sites to make. for example, “restaurants in X”

  3. 1 on 1 support from me + brainstorming ideas for you to build in your local area.

  4. Discord access.

**The boilerplate is not done. I will finish it up ASAP. So after you buy you won’t get an email with access. It will take a few days. Just remember that.

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